Research papers:
Extreme Incentives
Slides: pdf
Moral Hazard with Conterfeit Signals
In many moral hazard problems, the principal evaluates the agent's performance
based on signals which the agent may suppress and replace with counterfeits.
This form of fraud may affect the design of optimal contracts drastically.
For example, if fraud is costless and produces perfect counterfeits, then there
is complete market failure.
This paper studies how the possibility of fraud affects the design of
I show that in optimal contracts, the principal deters all fraud, and does so
by two complementary mechanisms.
First, the principal punishes signals that are suspicious, i.e. appear
Second, the principal is lenient on bad signals that the agent could suppress,
but does not.
Extended abstract: pdf
Full paper: pdf
Reverse Calculus and Nested Optimization
with Carlo Strub
in Journal of Economic Theory, 2020
Nested optimization problems arise when an agent must take into account the effect of their decisions on their own future behavior, or the behavior of others. In these problems, calculating marginal costs and benefits involves differentiating the solutions to nested problems. But are these solutions differentiable functions? We develop a tool called Reverse Calculus, and establish first-order conditions for (i) a Stackelberg leader considering the follower's best response function, (ii) a sovereign borrower considering its own future default policy, and (iii) non-convex dynamic programming problems.
Full paper: pdf
Old draft (circulated as A General and Intuitive Envelope Theorem) pdf
Older draft (circulated as A General and Intuitive Envelope Theorem) pdf
Even older draft (circulated as Envelope Theorems for Non-Smooth and Non-Concave Optimization) pdf
Money Cycles
with Carlo Strub
in International Economic Review, 2016
Operating overheads are widespread and lead to concentrated bursts of activity. To transfer resources between active and idle spells, agents demand financial assets. Futures contracts and lotteries are unsuitable, as they have substantial overheads of their own. We show that money -- under efficient monetary policy -- is a liquid asset that leads to efficient allocations. Under all other policies, agents follow inefficient “money cycle” patterns of saving, activity, and inactivity. Agents spend their money too quickly -- a “hot potato effect of inflation”. We show that inflation can stimulate inefficiently high aggregate output.
Full paper: pdf
Computer code for drawing the figures: R code
Corrigendum to "Aggregation and Linearity in the Provision of Intertemporal Incentives"
Note: pdfOther Research Publications:
Human Sources: The Journalist and the Whistle-blower in the Digital Era
(with Suelette Dreyfus, Reeva Lederman, A.J. Brown, Simon Milton, Marcia P. Miceli, Rachelle Bosua, and Jessie Schanzle.)
This book chapter is part of the World Online Whistleblowing Survey project, for which I was a research assistant. The chapter appears in a journalism textbook edited by Tanner and Richardson (2013), Journalism Research and Investigation in a Digital World published by Oxford University Press.
Full chapter: pdf